Congregational/Organizational Membership Agreement
Hope for Creation asks that member congregations:
- Name a consistent and engaged contact person
- Share information about Hope for Creation programs and events within their congregation
- Consider inviting Hope for Creation to speak on the topic of climate change in your congregation
- Be familiar with and sign on to our Relational Covenant, understanding that the goal is to build trust and respect among all members of our organization
- Consider providing some financial support to Hope for Creation. Suggested annual donation is $100-$500. An appeal letter will be sent out in November each year as a reminder.
Hope for Creation will provide the following:
- An opportunity for members of your congregation to be part of a collective, faith/spirituality-based effort to combat the climate crisis
- An invitation to regular events throughout the year to engage and act on this issue
- Information, support and collaboration for projects and ideas to reduce your congregation’s carbon footprint
- Opportunities for reflection and for collectively sharing fear and grief
- Guidance on starting a “Green Team” in your congregation
- A monthly calendar of local events related to climate action
- An opportunity to be part of our Planning Committee and get more involved
- Opportunities to highlight and celebrate your congregation’s environmental work in the wider community
You can fill out and submit the Congregational Membership here:
Congregational Membership form
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