Organizational Membership Agreement
As participants in Hope for Creation we share in common efforts among faith-based organizations in Southwest Michigan to address the global crisis of climate change. Through sharing our energy, knowledge, and resources Hope for Creation provides:
- Information and support for reducing an organization’s carbon footprint through energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other sustainable practices.
- Connections with technical experts, peer communities, and relevant programs.
- Guidance on starting and maintaining an organizational Green/Justice Team.
- Up-to-date information about issues that affect the health of our communities and our common home, along with opportunities to advocate for systemic change.
- Avenues to celebrate and promote the ways member organizations have sustained the earth and to contribute to shared local conservation and sustainability efforts.
- Opportunities to work with, worship with, and advocate alongside other people of faith who are champions of Earth stewardship in their organizations and in the public sphere.
- Promotion of member organizations’ environment-related programs and efforts through Hope for Creation’s Facebook page, newsletter, and articles provided to Michigan Interfaith Power & Light.
- Educational and conversational opportunities about matters such as climate change, environmental justice, and ecological stewardship.
- Connections to the activities and resources of our wider communities through our affiliation with groups such as Michigan Interfaith Power & Light and the Kalamazoo Climate Crisis Coalition (however, an organization's membership in Hope for Creation does not imply or include membership in MiIPL or the KCCC).
Together, we are stronger in our commitment to advocate for the earth, address climate change, and urge people of many faiths and spiritualities to tend and defend our common home.
As part of enriching, strengthening, and supporting our cooperative efforts, Hope for Creation asks member organizations to:
- Name a consistent and engaged contact person.
- Promote and provide information about Hope for Creation programs within their organizations.
- Be familiar with the Relational Covenant that we request individuals to honor in our
conversations and work together. - Encourage participation by individuals in Hope for Creation events and committees.
- Consider providing some organizational financial support to Hope for Creation on an annual
You can fill out and submit the Organizational Agreement in two ways:
Print and complete our Organizational Membership Agreement. Please return this form to Hope for Creation at [email protected]
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